

Types of Scholarships

Research Assistant Scholarship
For students recommended by full-time faculty who has the selection right by the field based on the academic performance evaluation score of the last two years.

Scholarships for direct children of faculty and staff
For the direct children of faculty and staff at each level of Kwangwoon Academy affiliated schools and Kwangwoon University.

International Student Scholarship
Scholarship provided to international students
- 50% of tuition: For students with TOEFL 500 (CBT 179, iBT 61). IELTS 5.0, CEFR B1, New TEPS 259 points or Korean Proficiency Test Level 3 or higher
- 30% of tuition: Applicants who do not have a foreign language score

Military Consignment Scholarship
For students who have received a military entrusted study

Faculty and Staff Scholarship
Scholarship for current faculty and staff

Public Official and Military Scholarship
Up to 50% of tuition for public officials of level 5 or higher (including government agencies and equivalent state-owned enterprises), active duty officers, or incumbents in military-related state institutions. The beneficiary rate is determined by the Graduate School Steering Committee.

President's Scholarship
Students who are qualified to receive a scholarship for school development and recommended by the President and approved by the Dean. (The number of beneficiary students, and the beneficiary rate and period are determined by the Graduate School Steering Committee)

Scholarships for admission to undergraduate and graduate linked programs
Admission fee for the first semester of enrollment. New students who entered the undergraduate and master's linked program

Apply for Scholarship

Research Assistant Scholarship
After an approval by the advisor, receive a recommendation from the advisor, and get approval from the head professor of the department, submit a Research Assistant Scholarship Application and required documents to the Graduate School Registrar.

International Student Scholarship
Submit the relevant language score report (original copy)

Scholarships for direct children of faculty and staff/ Faculty and staff scholarships/ Military consignment scholarships/ Public officials and military scholarships/ Tuition reduction scholarships
Submit a Graduate School Scholarship Application and required documents to the Graduate School Registrar

Limit on Scholarship Recommendation

A person with on-campus scholarship recommendation authority may not recommend a student who falls under any of the following subparagraphs. In addition, students who fall under each subparagraph shall not apply for a scholarship.

- Students who have been disciplined for violating the university rules
- Students on leave of absence or completed the coursework

Multiple Scholarships

In principle, in case of on-campus scholarships exceeding the tuition for the semester, receiving multiple scholarships is prohibited. Multiple scholarships may be allowed within the scope of not exceeding the tuition for the semester. Multiple scholarships may be permitted even if the received scholarship exceeds the tuition fee in the case of any of the following subparagraphs.

- Work Student Scholarship. However, if multiple scholarships are allowed for each type of on-campus or off-campus scholarship.
- In case of multiple scholarships by meeting the requirements according to the criteria of the off-campus scholarship foundation.
- In the case of funded or donated scholarships, if multiple scholarships are allowed by the relevant bylaws or guidelines for each scholarship
- When granting multiple scholarships is approved by the Dean of the Graduate School due to unavoidable reasons.

Scholarship Cancellation and Retrieval

Scholarships will be canceled or refunded in case of any of the following subparagraphs:

- In the event that the student commits an act that violates duty as a student.
- In the event that the scholarship has been transferred in the name of another student.
- In the case of receiving double benefits of on-campus scholarships in excess of the tuition fee for the semester.
- In the case of applying for a scholarship with false grades.
- In case of leave of absence, withdrawal or expulsion after receiving a scholarship
- In case the student had an “F” or less than 3.50 of GPA in the previous semester, the scholarship will not be provided in the next semester
- In case the status of the beneficiary has changed according to various scholarship programs.
- In principle, scholarships are suspended to students when the professor changed his or her job, resigned, or retired, but in special cases, the Graduate School Steering Committee deliberates and decides.

Scholarships will be canceled or retrieved in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and multiple scholarships discovered later will also be retrieved.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, all or part of the retrieved amount may be exempted in the following cases:

- In case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances
- In case of death of the student.
- In other cases where it is recognized that the retrieval is not appropriate after deliberation by the Graduate School Steering Committee.

Granting of Scholarship

The dean of the Graduate School reflects the confirmed scholarship and issues a tuition bill to the beneficiary to pay only the difference excluding the scholarship amount. However, if the scholarship recipient is confirmed after the issuance of the bill, the scholarship will be transferred to the student's bank account.