

Tuition Payment Period

Within the designated deadline every semester (refer to the academic calendar or bulletin board)

How to pay tuition

Log in to KLAS Information Service on the Website during the registration period of each semester → Click the menu button at the top left of the screen → Academic Affairs Services → Registration Management → Print out the Tuition Bill→ Deposit to the designated bank account or individual virtual account

※ Installment payment is not available for the Graduate School

Registration of incomplete coursework students

Students, who have not completed the coursework within the limited enrollment years due to lack of credits, should register as follows.

- If lack of 1 course (3 credits or less): 1/2 of the tuition for the semester
- If lack of 2 courses (4 credits or more ): Full tuition for the semester

Research Registration

Research registration is required for students want to submit a thesis for requesting a degree after completion of coursework or want to acquire the qualification to submit a thesis
- Course registration: N/A
- Research tuition: 1/5 of the tuition for the 4th semester of the degree program
Number of research registrations
- Master's: At least once upon request for a thesis
- Doctoral: At least 2 times including the time of request for a thesis

Refund of tuition

Reason of Refund
In the event of any of the following reasons regarding the refund of the payment, the tuition or admission fee already paid will be refunded.

- In case the student is unable to enroll the university or continue the studies according to the law
- In case the student has been admitted has expressed the intention to withdraw from enrollment
- In case the student has enrolled has expressed the intention to drop out
- In case the student is unable to enroll the university or continue the studies due to illness, death, natural disaster, or other unavoidable reasons

※ Meaning of enrollment: Enrollment includes not only new students but also transfer and reenrollment.

Tuition Refund Standard
- Before the start date of the semester (For new students, before the enrollment date): Full tuition refund
- From the first day of the semester to the 30th day: 5/6 of the tuition
- After the 30th day to the 60th day from the start of the semester: 2/3 of the tuition
- After the 60th day to the 90th day from the start of the semester: 1/2 of the tuition fee
- Tuition will not be refunded after 90 days from the semester start date
- Other matters are subject to relevant laws

Research Tuition Refund of Students Completed Coursework

- Applicants for the same semester requesting language test and comprehensive test are not eligible for refund as they are a condition of registration.
- Applicants for the same semester requesting a thesis evaluation are not eligible for refund as they are a condition of registration.
- Applicants who have not applied for language test, comprehensive test, and thesis evaluation will be returned in accordance with the payment refund policy.
- The tuition will not be refunded for research registration students participating in a project