
Course Registration

Course registration period:

Specified period every semester (See the Academic Calendar or Bulletin Board)

Credits for Registration

Minimum 1 credit to maximum 13 credits (including compulsory courses)

How to register courses

1. Log in to KLAS Information Service and click on the menu

2. 화면 좌측 대학생활 ‘수강신청‘ 클릭

3. 수강신청을 위하여 KLAS 종합정보서비스 비밀번호 다시 한번 입력

4. 수강신청 화면 수강신청 조회 리스트에서 ① ‘자과(본인학과)/공통과목조회‘ 또는 ‘타과과목조회’ 선택 후 ② 조회 클릭 후 수강신청하고자 하는 과목 찾아서 ③ ‘신청’을 클릭하면 수강신청

5. 수강신청한 과목은 ‘수강신청 과목 리스트’에서 확인

6. 수강신청 과목 삭제를 원하는 경우 수강신청 과목 리스트에서 해당 과목 ‘삭제’ 클릭


- Log in to “KLAS Information Service” during the course registration period of the relevant semester
- You must apply for courses under the guidance of the head professor or advisor.
- Doctoral students are not allowed to register for master's courses.
- Students in the combined master's and doctoral program must take and acquire a total of 60 credits (24 credits of the master's program/36 credits of the doctoral program.) However, if you give up the combined master's and doctoral program but meet the criteria for conferment of a master's degree, the master's program is applied.
- Credits of General Graduate School’s online courses may not exceed 1/5 of the total credits for a degree, and the student must check this matter and register a course. (Online courses are allowed up to 4 credits for a master's degree, up to 12 credits for a combined master's and doctoral degree and a doctoral degree)
- You can register the courses in other departments after obtaining approval from the course professor, your advisor, and the head professor
- You cannot register for the Thesis Special Research Seminar in the first semester, and you must register for this course from the second semester (compulsory). However, transfer students and new students enrolled in the bachelor’s and master’s program must take the Thesis Special Research Seminar from the first semester.
- If you take the same course twice, only one course will be accepted. However, in the case of a doctoral program, it is judged including the courses taken in the master's program of the General Graduate School.
- Students who are judged to have similar or other major can apply for undergraduate-designated courses up to 6 credits each semester.
- If the student's parent is a professor at our university, the student may not register for the course taught by the parent.
- Keeping the course registration statement: After completing the course registration, print out your ‘Course Registration Statement’ and keep it until the grade processing is finished.
- Completion of coursework is possible if the total grade point average is 3.0 (B0) or higher.
- Undergraduate-designated courses are not listed on the graduate school transcript, and you can check your grades at the department office as you will be notified to the department at end of each semester after the undergraduate grades processing are completed.

Compulsory Courses

You must complete the following compulsory courses to complete the coursework. (Included in credits for coursework completion)

Thesis Special Research Seminar
- Master's program/Doctoral program: 1 credit per semester from the 2nd semester, a total of 3 credits
- Combined Master's and Doctorate Program: 1 credit per semester from the 2nd to 6th semester for a total of 5 credits

Compulsory Courses by Department

Department Course Course
Electric Engineering Master’s Seminar
Doctoral Seminar
Electronics and Communications Engineering Master’s Seminar
Doctoral Seminar
Electronic Materials Engineering Master’s Seminar
Doctoral Seminar
Computer Science Common for master’s and doctoral Seminar
Chemical Engineering Common for master’s and doctoral Seminar
Electronic Convergence Engineering Master’s Seminar
Doctoral Seminar
Chemistry Common for master’s and doctoral Seminar
Business Management Master’s Statistics Ⅰ
Doctoral Statistics Ⅱ
Management Information Systems Common for master’s and doctoral MIS Research Methodology
Public Administration Common for master’s and doctoral Policy Theory Seminar (Seminar)
Policy Theory Seminar (Seminar)
Defense Business Common for master’s and doctoral Choose 1 from Introduction to Defense Business since 2017 and Research Survey Methodology