
Leave of Absence

Types of leave of absence (including pregnancy, childbirth, and business leave)

Category General leave of absence (postpone) Pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, business leave Military leave (postpone)
Leave of absence period Up to 2 semesters at a time Up to 2 years Mandatory service period under the Military Service Act
Number of leave of absence and maximum period Total of 4 semesters are allowed - 1 time
Application period A certain period before the start of the semester (must observe) - -
Required documents Leave of Absence Application Form (Graduate School Website) - Leave of Absence Form and supporting documents (Confirmation of Pregnancy, Medical Certificate, Family Relationship Certificate, Business Registration Certificate, Corporate Registration Certificate, etc.) - Leave of Absence Application Form (Graduate School Website)
- Copy of Enlistment Notice

How to apply

Fill out an application for leave of absence: Graduate School (Download from the Reference menu)
Receive a confirmation from the advisor and head professor and submit it to Graduate School Registrar (#207 Hwadogwan)
* International student must get a sign from the International Affairs Office on the application.


- The period of general leave of absence is per semester and cannot exceed 2 semesters at a time, and cannot exceed 4 semesters in total (except for the period of leave of absence due to military service).
- New students are not allowed to leave for any reason other than military enlistment or illness (A Diagnosis Certificate from a national or public hospital for more than 4 weeks of treatment).
- Students entering the military during general leave of absence must apply for a deferment for military service leave with a copy of the enlistment notice attached.
- After the period of leave of absence has expired, students must return to the university at the semester they plan to return. If the student does not reenroll, he or she will get 「Expulsion after expiration of leave of absence」
- If there is a change of address during a leave of absence, change your personal address on the school website to avoid any disadvantages.