
Qualification Exams (Language / Comprehensive)

Foreign Language Exam

Exam Types
- English (70 points out of 100 for both master’s and doctoral programs)
- Second foreign language (60 points or more out of 100) ⇒ Only for doctoral programs in the Department of Korean Language and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature

※ For the doctoral program and the combined master’s and doctoral program, you can take 2 foreign language tests (English and a second foreign language) However, for the second foreign language, only students of the department in a specific doctoral program must take the test. Select one from German, French, Japanese, and Chinese for the exam, and if you want to take another foreign language exam, you must obtain a recommendation from the head of the department and get approval from the dean of the graduate school.

Exam Period: At the beginning of each semester
Eligibility: Students with regular registration and research registration (available from the 1st semester)
Retake: If you do not pass, you can retake the test (no limit on the number of times)
Test exemption (English): Students who have obtained a TOEIC score of 700 or higher or TOEFL 500 (CBT 173, iBT 61) or higher, TEPS 602, New TEPS 327, or IELTS 6.0 or higher within the last 2 years from the date of the language test

※ The application for exemption (specified form) must be submitted to the Graduate School Registrar (#207 Hwadogwan) during the application period.
※ International students must choose one of from Korean language test or English test, and the test exemption is only available to Students who have obtained TOPIK level 5 or higher or Students who are exempted from the above provision (5).

Comprehensive Exam

The department selects among the major subject, and the student selects one of them
- Master's program: 3 subjects (Full points is 100, Pass with 60 points or higher)
- Doctoral program/Master's/PhD integrated course: 4 subjects (Full points is 100, Pass with 60 points or higher)

Eligibility: Students with regular or research registration
- Master's program: Students who have completed at least 2 semesters and have acquired or are able to acquire at least 20 credits as of the semester to be taken.
- Doctoral program: Students who have completed at least 2 semesters and have acquired or are able to acquire at least 56 credits (including credits recognized for the master’s program) as of the application semester.
- Combined Master's and Doctorate Course: Students who have completed at least 4 semesters and have acquired or can acquire at least 52 credits (including credits from undergraduate-related courses).

Examination period: Every semester
Retake: If you fail, you can retake (no limit on the number of times).
- If you fail 1 subject, you must retake that subject.
- If you fail 2 or more subjects, you must retake the exam of all subjects (3 subjects for the master's course, 4 subjects for the doctoral course)